2024 Verse

In the Old Testament we learn that God set his affection upon the people of Israel and set them apart to be his own. They enjoyed wonderful, undeserved blessings that flowed from God's gracious and loving heart. We learn too though that God would one day send his Messiah into the world, and also his Holy Spirit, so that people from every tribe and tongue could become part of his chosen people. God is a promise keeping God, and through the events of Easter and Pentecost we see the glorious fulfilment of his covenant promises.

Solely because of his remarkable grace, we are the people described in our verse for the year:  chosen by God, belonging to him, and called to declare his praises. He has indeed taken us out of darkness and brought us into his wonderful Light. Praise be to him!

If you would like to listen to a full message about this verse you can do so  by clicking HERE