Why Jesus

Why Jesus?

The Bible says that we all have a problem. Not financial, or medical, or relational but spiritual. We have a problem when it comes to God. Here is how the Bible puts it: "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23

It is a pretty blunt description of humanity don't you think? We may be nice people and do nice things. We might be doing ok when we compare ourselves to others. But when we compare ourselves to God we are in trouble. God made us, He is the rightful King. But instead we often live our lives as if we are king. We think we are in charge and we ignore the God who made us. That is what the Bible means by sin.

God is rightly angry at our rebellion and so death has entered our world. Death is God's right punishment for sin. That might sound harsh to you, but actually it is a good thing that God punishes sin - would you really want Him to simply ignore it? He loves this world and so He is angry at all the ways we mess it up by our selfishness.

So we have a problem. But God has provided a wonderful solution. There is a way for our rebellion to be forgiven. For our punishment to be taken away. For God's right anger to be dealt with. The solution is Jesus.

God sent Jesus, His One and Only Son to live a perfect life. And then Jesus willingly gave Himself to be crucified. As He died He took our sin upon Himself. He faced our punishment and He died our death. The Bible puts it like this:
He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities (sins), the punishment that brought us peace was upon HIm and by His wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:5

God made this world. He made you. God loves this world. He loves you. And that is why Jesus came. That is why Jesus died. Because God is love.

Jesus died so that you could be forgiven. Jesus died so that you could really live. Jesus died so that you could know the God who made you.

And Jesus rose from death to prove that death is not the end and true life can be found in Him.